Time management and Academic Stress of Nursing Students at Faculty of Nursing Zagazig University

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University

3 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University


Background: In recent decades, the increase in stress levels of university students has been seen as a serious threat. Due to this problem, time management is linked to academic stress as a potential coping strategy frequently offered by university counseling services. Aim of the study: To assess the relation between time management and academic stress of Nursing students at Faculty of Nursing Zagazig University. Subjects and Methods; Research design: A descriptive research design was adopted to carry out this study. Setting: The present study was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University. Subjects: Stratified random sample of 369 nursing students. Tools of data collection: Two tools were used for collecting data: Time management questionnaire to determine time management skills of studied nursing students. Student Nurse Stress Index to identify academic stress level among studied nursing students. Results: The highest percentage of nursing students had a low level of total time management skills (78.6%). The highest percentage of nursing students had a high level of academic stress (81.4%). Conclusion: There is no statistically significant correlation between time management skills scores and academic stress. Recommendation: Training and education programs must be a continuous process for refreshing and increasing nursing student knowledge and skills about the concept of time management and academic stress as well as to emphasize strategies of managing time and academic stress.
