Relation between Organizational Cynicism and Workplace Alienation among Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Zagazig University

2 Assist. Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing - Zagazig University


Background: The nursing job is one of the jobs in which there are many sources of pressure, which make workers are dissatisfied with their profession or their organizations, and their low level of quality of work life, which results in negative and cynical expressions that reflect on workplace alienation Aim of the study: Investigate relationship between
organizational cynicism and workplace alienation among nurses. Subjects and Methods; Design: A descriptive correlational design was used to conduct this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Zagazig University Hospitals. Subjects: A proportionate stratified random sample was taken from nurses working at Zagazig University Hospitals (n= 375). Tools of data collection: Two tools were used to collect these data, organizational cynicism scale and work alienation scale. Results: (35.7%) of studied nurses had a moderate perception level of organizational cynicism. While, (37.3%) of them had a high perception level of workplace alienation factors. Conclusion: There is a highly statistically significant positive correlation between organizational cynicism and workplace alienation. Recommendations: Develop strategies such as career development and advancement; considering nurses career goals and objectives; keep promises toward nurses; putting sound reward and punishment system; and make sure that policies, and goals, and practices are in alignment are helpful to prevent organizational cynicism and eradicate workplace alienation.
