The Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Self-Management and Social Support of Adult Epileptic Patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer of Psychiatric and mental health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing –Zagazig University

2 Professor of community Nursing, Faculty of Nursing –Zagazig University

3 Lecturer of Psychiatric and mental health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing –Zagazig University


Background: Epileptic patients who can’t understand their illness and effective ways of managing it experience more adverse health outcomes than patients who understand and manage their illness well. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of nursing intervention program on self-management and social support of adult Epileptic patients. Subjects and Methods: Research design: A quasi experimental research design was adopted to carry out this study. Setting: This study was conducted at two centers for epilepsy in Elsinbilawin city; they are psychiatric out patient's clinic of El-sinbellawin General Hospital and psychiatric out patients clinic of El-sinbllawin Health Insurance Hospital. Subjects: composed of 60 adult epileptic patients from the previous mentioned setting. Tools of data collection: Three tools were used for data collection; interview questionnaire sheet for patients, Epilepsy self-management scale, and Social support scale. Results of this study revealed that there were statistically significant difference in all self-management and social support scores from pre to post intervention Program. Conclusion: Epilepsy self-management program had positive effect on improving patient's self-management and controlling their disease as well as positive effects on social support enhancement. Recommendations: Self-care strategies should be taught to epileptic patients to be able to live in the community with higher quality of life.
