The Effectiveness of Counseling Program on the outcome of In-Vetro Fertilization Treatment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer of Maternal and newborn health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing

2 Lecturer of Maternal and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University

3 Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University,

4 Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Al– Azhar University


Background: In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a human assisted reproduction technique. Many
factors affect its outcomes and success rate. Aim of study was to find out the impact of
counseling program on the outcome of in vitro fertilization treatment. Study design: A quasi
experimental design was used. Study sample: 60 women less than 40 years and undergoing
IVF treatment for first trail at the International Adam Hospital- Cairo were divided equally to
study and control group. Data collection tools included interviewing questionnaire schedule;
self administrating questionnaire, observational checklist, and follow up sheet were used to
assess women’s knowledge and practice regarding IVF treatment (pre and post counseling)
and to follow up the outcomes of IVF treatment. Results: Improved in knowledge and
practices regarding almost all the parameters of the IVF treatment and alleviation of problems
encountered were observed after the counseling program (p<0.05). On the other hand, in spite
of no statistical significance difference showed between studied and control group regarding
the success indicators of the IVF, counseling program could influence this outcome. In this
context, the rate of positive pregnancy test was higher, while cycle cancelations were lower in
study group compared to control group. Conclusion and recommendations: Counseling was
helpful in improving IVF outcomes especially problems encountered during the treatment.
Offering counseling services for all couples undergo IVF treatment by nurses' staff is
recommended and must include instruction regarding each step of the IVF treatment.
