Evaluating the Effect of an Educational Intervention on Nurses Knowledge & Compliance Using Personal Protective Equipment in ICU

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Medical -Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Assistant Professor of Emergency and Critical Care Nursing,- Faculty of Nursing ,Mansoura University


Background: Personal protective equipment is special equipment you wear to create a barrier between health care. This barrier reduces the chance of touching, being exposed to, and spreading germs. Aim of the study: Evaluating the Effect of an Educational Intervention on Nurses Knowledge & Compliance Using Personal Protective Equipment in ICU. Subjects and Methods: Research design:, Quasi experimental design was utilized at the study. Setting: The study was conducted at ICU Department in Benha University Hospital. Subjects: All male and female nurses (56 working at ICU department were recruited for the study. Tools of data collection: structured interviewing questionnaire was designed to assess nurse’s knowledge, Compliance Scale was used to evaluate the nurses' compliance, An educational intervention was implemented. Results: There were statistically significant differences between nurses' knowledge pre/post about personal protective equipment pre / post program& and nurses' compliance to personal protective equipment pre / post program.. Conclusion: The study concluded that the educational intervention was effective and its results had great improvements on nurses' knowledge and compliance after the using of the personal protective equipment than ever before. Recommendations: Further studies are needed for developing standard of safe environment, and manual for safety measures in the ICU, A studing the relation between the application of safety personal protective equipment and the incidence of complications
