Effect of Health Education Program for Mothers of Preschool Children with Domestic Violence

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant lecturer of Community and Family Health Nursing-Faculty of Nursing-Port Said University

2 Prof. of Community Health Nursing -Faculty of Nursing- Zagazig University

3 Prof. of Family medicine-Faculty of Medicine - Suez Canal University

4 Lecturer of Community and Family Health Nursing-Faculty of Nursing-Port Said University



Background: Every parent has the opportunity, and the responsibility, to play a role in
preventing child violence. The aim of the study: was to evaluate the effect of a health
educational program on knowledge, attitudes and practice of mothers about prevention of
preschooler domestic violence. Research design: A quasi experimental design was used.
Setting; this study conducted at private nursery schools at Talkha city. Sample: composed of
220 mothers (110 for the experimental group and 110 for the control group) and 110 children.
Tools of data collection: Three tools were used: a structured interview questionnaire, check
list (attitude scale) for mothers, and observation assessment sheet for the child. Results:
revealed that More than three quarters of mothers in the experimental group, and the majority
of mothers in the control group had unsatisfactory knowledge about child violence. The
majority of mothers in the studied groups had negative attitudes towards child rearing.
Conclusion: the designed educational program lead to significant improvement in mother’s
knowledge, attitudes, and practice regarding their children compared to control group.
Recommendations: conducting of further educational program for new couples about
methods of child rearing in primary health care centers to improve mothers’ knowledge,
attitude, and practice towards child rearing.
