Life-style of Epileptic School Students


1 Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University.

2 Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Epilepsy is one of the most important non communicable neurological illnesses, with no age, racial, social class, national or geographic boundaries. Epidemiological studies have made it clear that the magnitude of the problem makes it a public health priority since epilepsy affect at least 40-50 million people worldwide, the majority of them live in developing countries. Epilepsy represents a heavy burden on patients, their families and the community. At least 50% of epileptic cases begin at childhood and adolescences, which prevent the child from normal life and impede his psychosocial integration as well as his contribution as an effective member in the society. So the present study was aimed at identifying the life style of epileptic school students. The study was carried out on 220 grand mal epileptic students attending the six neuropsychiatry clinics affiliated to the second and third zones in Alexandria. The results revealed that most of the studied sample were taking sufficient amount of food and had normal sleeping pattern, but more than half was not practicing any type of exercises. More than half had some problems with their parents including over protection. Less than two thirds of students never failed while rest had repeated a grade either once, twice or triple. So it is recommended that the community should be educated about nature of epilepsy to help epileptic person to adapt with his condition and live normal life.