Relation between Conflict and Perception of Professionalism among Nurses working at Kafr Sakr General Hospital

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bachelor of Science in nursing

2 Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University

3 lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University.


Background: Nurses executives and middle managers can create work atmospheres free of conflict, in which staff nurses perceive opportunities to increase their professionalism and improve professional practice to perform these functions, managers need to understand the nature of conflict and the definition of professionalism. Aim of the study: To explore the relation between conflict and perception of professionalism among nurses. Subject and Methods: Research Design: Descriptive correlational design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at Kafr Sakr General Hospital. Subjects: A convenience sample of nurses (n=184). Tools of data collection: Two tools used for collect data namely: nursing conflict scale and valiga concept of nursing scale. Results: revealed that the most common types of conflict was intrapersonal followed by disruptive and the lowest type was intergroup (86.9%, 82.2%& 69% respectively). The highest percentage of nurses had high level of conflict (79.6%). Also, the highest percentage of nurses had a higher perception of professionalism (81.5%). Conclusion: There were statistically significance relation between nurse's perception toward professionalism and level of all conflict types (p=0.01). Recommendations: Efforts should be made by the nurse managers to occasionally stimulate conflict by promoting different views and motivating staff and unit/department through rewards for their outstanding performance. The subject of professional nursing should be included in the curriculum of nursing education.
