Effect of Team Based Learning on the Performance of Nursing Students in Nursing Administration Course

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant lecturer – nursing administration department-, Faculty of nursing- Zagazig university,

2 Prof. of community health nursing- Faculty of nursing- Zagazig university

3 Prof. of nursing administration- Faculty of nursing -Zagazig university

4 lecturer .of nursing administration - Faculty of nursing- Zagazig university


Background: Team based learning is a student centered, active learning method, requiring less faculty time. TBL foster a deeper understanding of content and facilitating the application of concepts in complex situations. The aim of the study: was to assess the effect of team based learning on the performance of nursing students in Nursing Administration course. Subjects & Methods: Research design: A quasi experimental design was used. Setting: faculty of nursing, Zagazig University. Subjects: all nursing students in fourth year (n=304) divided into control and study groups. Tools of data collection: Four tools were used for data collection; readiness assurance test, team based learning assessment instrument, classroom engagement survey, and clinical evaluation checklist. Results: Results revealed that the highest percent of students had accountability and satisfaction with team based learning 90.8% & 93% and majority of them (90%) preferred TBL. The students’ scores of engagement and performance were higher in the TBL group than the traditional lecture group. Conclusion: The performance score of students who learnt by TBL was higher than students who learnt by traditional lecture and students' scores were higher in group readiness assurance tests were higher than individual tests. Recommendations: Integrate Team based learning in the faculty as an interactive learning method, and investigate the effect of Team Based Learning on students' achievement in other courses.
