Impact of postpartum family planning counseling on use of female contraceptive Methods in upper Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant lecturer of obstetrics and gynecological nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Sohag University,

2 Professor of obstetrics and gynecological nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Zagazig University

3 Assistant professor of obstetrics and gynecological nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Zagazig University

4 Lecturer of obstetrics and gynecological nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Sohag University


Background: Postpartum family planning (FP) is the initiation and use of FP methods during
the first year after delivery to decrease unintended pregnancies. The aim of this study is to
evaluate the effect of FP counseling on women knowledge and utilization of postpartum
contraceptive methods (PCMs). Research design: an experimental design was used. Setting:
This study was conducted on clients in postpartum period, who attended for immunization of
their babies. Sample: This study included 980 females from which a sample of 200 primipara
clients was selected to quasi-experimental study to assess the effect of counseling program on
FP use. Tools consisted of interviewing questionnaire form, pretest evaluation and posttest
sheet. Results: Most of women, were of 21-30 years of age, had intermediate degrees of
education, were house wives, lived in urban areas, and had low socio-economic status. FP
knowledge was present in 92% and FP use in 21% of clients. Pregnancy occurred in 188
clients, most of them (n=151) were non intended. In experimental study, the rates of initial and
final uses of FP methods were higher in wives in intervention group than in those in control
group (P<0.0001). Conclusions: PCM led to significant increase in FP use.
Recommendations: Counseling programs of FP have to be directed to women who attend FP
centers for immunization of their babies.
