Impact of Internet Usage on the Student Attitude and Academic Achievement at two Faculties in BeniSuif University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Demonstrator of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing-Faculty of Nursing- Benisuif University

2 Professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Cairo University

3 Lecturer of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing- Faculty of Nursing- Zagazig University



Background: Internet is one of the beneficial tools in the area of IT not only for business but
for academic point of view and enhances the skills and capabilities of students which assist
them in studies and in professional life. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the impact
of internet usage on the Student Attitude and Academic Achievement at two Faculties in
BeniSuif University. Setting & Sample: a representative sample of 450 students (261from
faculty of nursing and 189 from the faculty of veterinary medicine were recruited for this
study. Tools used for data collection were a socio-demograghic data questionnaire,
Psychological measurement of Internet addiction, internet attitude scale and Academic
achievement scale. Results: revealed that the majority of students were female, less than 21
years old. The majority of students was used the internet for scientific information and
accessed the internet from their homes. There was a positive correlation between total internet
addiction and total academic achievement. There was a negative correlation between total
internet addiction and total internet attitude. Conclusion: It can be concluded that, most of the
studied sample had a positive attitude toward the internet and had not internet addiction.
Recommendations: Early diagnosis of internet addiction, raise awareness about positive
usage of the internet and identify the reasons of internet addiction and its management.
